background photo for La Dolce Vita Spa for Wellness


Please note: Service prices and availability are subject to change without notice.


Better Health & Well Being...

Let us give you the ability to live your life to the fullest. You'll feel great and have the energy to meet life's challenges and pursue your interests. Massage benefits your health and well being in many ways:

  • Stress Relief - Better Circulation
  • Easier Movement with Less Risk of Injury
  • Better Posture and Alignment
  • Less Pain
Another benefit is relief of muscle aches and pains. Aches and pains adversely affect your health and drain energy that you could be using to pursue other activities.

(under 18 yrs. old need parental consent)

Relaxation Massage

Relaxation body massage is the use of long, light strokes, deep kneading, small friction-type motions, light tapping and movement of joints to create a completely relaxed feeling.

Relaxation Massage - 60 Minute

Relaxation Massage - 90 Minute

Relaxation Massage - 120 Minute

Upper Body Massage


Focusing on back, neck & shoulders - 45 mins.

Warm Stone Massage - 75 Minutes

For the ultimate sensation of relaxation and relief. This treatment involves the use of heated river stones that gently release tight sore muscles.

Warm Stone Massage 90 Mins

For the ultimate sensation of relaxation and relief. This treatment involves the use of heated river stones that gently release tight sore muscles.

Warm Bamboo Massage - 75 Minutes

For the ultimate sensation of relaxation and relief. This treatment involves the use of heated bamboo sticks that gently release tight sore muscles.

Warm Bamboo Massage - 90 Minute

Stimulate yet soothe your entire body using bamboo rods of differing lengths and thickness to work deeply and stimulate tissue in areas of the body that the hands alone cannot work as effectively. This unique also aids in the stimulation of lymphatic drainage, as well as possibly impacting cellulite and fatty deposits near the surface of the skin. One more thing; it just plain feels amazing!

Side by Side Couples Retreat Massage - 60 Minutes

$200 total for both
*Includes: Champagne.

Side by Side Relaxation Massage is perfect for couples, friends or a mother-daughter day.

Side by Side Couples Retreat Massage - 90 Minutes

Pre-Natal Massage - 60 Minute

Prepares muscles for childbirth, decreases stress on weight-bearing joints, neck and lower back pain. Reduces swelling, decreasing sciatic pain techniques on a side-lying position to help assist in fluid reduction, muscular stress relief, and general well-being of mom and baby.
(Written approval required from doctor, Not during first trimester)

Pre-Natal Massage - 90 Minutes

Myofascial Release - 75 Minutes

Gentle prolonged holding techniques to release the fascia, promoting increased flexibility and range of motion, increased postural functionality and stability, increased circulation and decreased tissue toxicity. Perfect for: Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Traumatic Injuries, Sports Injuries and many other ailments.
Generally Not A full body massage, this is stretching and manipulating your body to focus on problem areas.
We suggest you wear undergarments such as gym shorts, a t-shirt or tank top or sports bra.

Reflexology - 30 Minutes

Pressure point massage is used on the hands and/ or feet to balance energy throughout the body. Help to eliminate toxins, relax the body and stimulate the healthy function of internal organs.

Sinus Soother Massage


Warm stone facial massage, cooling eye treatment, scalp and sinus pressure point massage.

Relieves headaches, sinus pain & puffy eyes - 60 mins.

Massage Enhancements added to massage service


Bamboo Sampler or Warm Stone Sampler

Ear Candling  


Some of the benefits of ear candling include:

Gently removing excessive wax

Hand Scrub

Exfoliating and hydrating treatment.

Foot Scrub

Scalp Massage

A scalp massage is a head massage designed to relax the mind and encourage circulation. Many times, tension is felt within the head and neck, so scalp massages can be very effective as a stress reducer
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Service Policy


Arrival Time:

Arriving 10 minutes prior to your first scheduled appointment

will give you time to fill out paper work and get started on time.

All services must end on time to ensure clients receive full service.

Appointments cannot be guaranteed for late arrivals.


Please notify LDVS of cancellations 24 hours prior to your appointment time.

A major credit card may be required to hold an appointment.

If less than 24 hours or a no show your card will be charged

the amount of scheduled services. 


We welcome all forms of payment with proper identification.

No Refunds on Gift Certificates, Services, or Products.

We require a 50% deposit when 3 or more services are scheduled. 

There is a $3 service fee to tip by credit card..


The value of a gift certificate may be applied towards the purchase of products and/or services at La Dolce Vita Spa for Wellness.

It may not be redeemed as cash. Gift certificates expire one year from the date of purchase. 
We recommend you call (302)449-1496 or email ldvspa2@verizon.net 


2 W. Main St.MiddletownDE19709United States
© 2025 La Dolce Vita Spa for Wellness, All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.
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